
Excels at sweeping. Professional reviewers say the Hitachi RB24EAPis excellent at sweeping — no surprise given its air moving capabilities of 170 MPH (velocity) and 441 CFM (volume). Popular Mechanics commends its airstream and notes that it “worked well moving soggy leaves and prickly seedpods.” Owners widely agree that it’s a powerful blower for pushing leaves and debris. The low-emission engine, which passes strict California Air Resource Board (CARB) guidelines, also gets high marks. On the downside, it doesn’t vacuum or mulch.

Ease of use

Easy handling, moderate noise. Reviewers like how easy this Hitachi blower is to handle and control, thanks, in part, to this model’s relatively light (for a gas blower), 8.6-pound weight. A frequent but minor user complaint is that the air intake sucks in clothing when the unit is held in the right hand. Noise is an issue for those using the blower, and hearing protection is recommended, but it’s quieter than some competing gas blowers at distances over 50 feet, so neighbors will be happier. Users love how easily the RB24EAP handles, thanks largely to its variable-speed trigger and large, two-finger throttle lever. Popular Mechanics grouses a little that the blower nozzle is too short, making it tougher to get close to debris. However, overall, reviewers say, it makes quick work of big chores.


Top-notch warranty. The majority of owners who review the Hitachi 23.9cc Handheld Blower commend its quality construction. The commercial-grade engine in particular draws accolades. Some users complain about problems with the fuel line, but most say those who are mechanically inclined can fix a fuel line easily and inexpensively. Like other gas-powered machines, the Hitachi RB24EAP blower requires regular maintenance, some of which should be done by an authorized service provider. Hitachi offers the best consumer warranty in our report, covering this model for seven years.


Type Gas leaf blower
Power Gas, 23.9cc commercial-grade engine
Airflow 170 mph, 441 cfm
Weight (pounds) 8.6
Noise level (decibels) 107
Warranty 7 years for consumer use